Pilgrimage: Morocco

In 2014, Pilgrimage: Morocco explored a majority Muslim country where politics, religion and society created a dynamic backdrop on which to understand major historical movements that have dominated the country and how Islam came into prominence. We also considered the minority traditions of Christianity and Judaism and how the Abrahamic faiths are working together while also investigating the tension between modernity and traditionalism and how modern Islam is interpreted. We considered the current economic structure and lack of opportunity for educated Moroccans and how the current fiscal climate is influencing issues such as poverty and equal rights as well as the effects of colonialism and how religion has served to form the identity of the people.

The Program

Pilgrimage: Morocco was an intensive travel seminar led by Emily Cobb, director of multifaith initiatives, Molly Field, community engagement program manager, and Dr. Daniel Selby, assistant professor of accounting.

While in Morocco, we journeyed to Rabat, Fes, and Marrakech. We explored Islamic history and art, visited the largest mosque in Africa, and learned about Jewish history while visiting a traditional Moroccan synagogue. We ventured through bazaars and enjoyed a hike in the High Atlas Mountains. The highlight of our trip was meeting with numerous scholars and organizations that helped to illumine our understanding of this unique country.