Christian Holiday Services

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Service
Wed., March 5, 2025, 5-6 p.m.
Cannon Memorial Chapel

The service will include the blessing and imposition of ashes. 

Holy Week and Easter Services

Palm Sunday Mass
Sun., April 13, 2025, 5-6 p.m.
Cannon Memorial Chapel

Mass will begin with the blessing of palms and procession.

Good Friday Service
Fri., April 18, 2025, 12:30-1 p.m.
Cannon Memorial Chapel

The service will include a reading of the last seven words of Jesus.

Easter Sunrise Service
Sun., April 20, 2025, 6:15-7 a.m.
Columbarium and Memorial Garden

The sunrise service will include scriptures, prayers, traditional Easter hymns, and a brief sermon. A light breakfast reception will follow in the Wilton Center Multifaith Room.

Easter Mass
Sun., April 20, 2025, 5-6 p.m.
Cannon Memorial Chapel

Join us for uplifting worship with organ, piano, choir and brass to celebrate the Resurrection.

Christmas Services

52nd annual Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols
Sun., Dec. 7, 2025, 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Cannon Memorial Chapel
In partnership with the Department of Music, the Chaplaincy will hold the 52nd annual Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols on Sun., Dec. 7, 2025, in the Chapel. Two services will be offered - one at 5 p.m. and one at 8 p.m. The University's Schola Cantorum will present new and familiar Christmas carols and anthems in the tradition of the "Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols" that was first held at King's College Chapel in Cambridge, England, on Christmas Eve 1918. The services conclude with the lighting of candles by the congregation and the singing of "Silent Night." Prelude music will begin 20 minutes before each service.

Tickets are not required, and seating will be on a first come, first served basis until we reach capacity.  Doors will open one hour before each service.

Lend Thy Light: A Time of Reflection on the Season
Wed., Dec. 10, 2025, 12-1 p.m.
Cannon Memorial Chapel

Acknowledging the complexity of emotions involved in this season, the Chaplaincy offers Lend Thy Light, an hour-long Christian holiday service that provides time for reflection. The name of the service, “Lend Thy Light,” comes from the fourth stanza of the hymn, “Silent Night.” It speaks of the light that the star gave to the wise men as they journeyed toward Bethlehem. Amidst a world challenged by darkness and despair, we all need a light of hope to guide us and remind us that we are not alone.

Throughout the hour, a pianist will be playing and improvising on themes from sacred Christmas hymns and songs. A candle lighting station will be available for those who wish to acknowledge prayers or intentions. Prompts will be provided in the bulletin to help us consider our joys and thanksgivings, sorrows and hurts, and to remember in prayer those who have been significant in our journey this year. There is no formal liturgy or service, and you may come and go as your schedule allows. All are welcome.