Annual Fall Retreat

The Muslim Life Fall Retreat is a 3-day retreat that takes place over Fall Break in Hot Springs, VA. The Retreat is an opportunity for students to step away from regular routines on campus and into simple settings in nature. It provides a time and space for reflection, spiritual nourishment, and community bonding. Activities include nightly reflections, hikes in the nearby George Washington and Jefferson National Forest, a day trip to Snowshoe Mountain, and a soak in the natural hot springs. All costs are covered by the Chaplaincy.



  • Leave campus on Friday after Jumuʿah
  • Saturday: morning hike and group activities
  • Sunday: Day trip to Snowshoe Mountain for activities including horse-back riding and zip lining
  • Monday: morning reflective walk and checkout; return to campus by around 4pm. 


Please see here some photos from the 2023 Retreat.

Registration for the Fall Retreat 2024 will open on August 28, 2024.