Multifaith Initiatives

Multifaith work is central to our mission in the Office of the Chaplaincy. We help students grow more deeply in their own faith while also learning about the faith of others. 

Our model for multifaith work takes two key forms: 1) appreciative knowledge and 2) building relationships. As students have experiences with other traditions, their knowledge expands and they are able to appreciate the beliefs of others. And by building relationships with others, students are able to have meaningful dialogue on issues related to faith and our society. All Chaplaincy programs are open to students of all or no faith traditions.

Multifaith Programming is growing and looking for student leaders! If you are interested in shaping the future of multifaith programming on campus, you are invited to get in at the ground floor. Use the link on the side to message Olivia to get coffee and start building bridges.

For more information about multifaith initiatives, please contact Olivia Rosenblum, Multifaith Program Manager