Get Involved
Welcome back to campus for the fall semester. We are so glad you're here and we cannot wait to see you! We offer over twelve different ways to get involved in our office each week. See below for our regularly scheduled weekly programs.
Kairos Christian Service
8:00-8:30 p.m., Chapel
Contact Bryn Bagby Taylor, Associate University Chaplain, at bryn.taylor@richmond.edu for additional information.Kairos Contemplative Christian Service is led by members of the Chaplaincy staff and students who serve on the Kairos Leadership Team. It includes scripture, hymns, contemporary music, prayer, and candle lighting.
Midday Prayer
12:30-12:45 p.m., Chapel
Contact Bryn Bagby Taylor, Associate University Chaplain, at bryn.taylor@richmond.edu for additional information.Mid-day prayer is a 15-minute service that includes scripture readings for meditation, opportunities to share a concern on your heart, and a brief time of silence. It is a quiet, peaceful, and reflective way to pause midday and center oneself.
Scripture and a Slice with Catholic Campus Ministry
5:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., Pathways Lounge, Wilton Center
Contact Deacon Tom Mullen, Catholic Chaplain, at tmullen@richmond.edu for additional information.Join Catholic Campus Ministry as we explore the biblical text, study God’s word and church teaching and enjoy pizza! All are welcome.
Muslim Life Weekly Halaqah
7:00-8:00 p.m., Wilton Center Room 103
Contact Waleed Ilyas, Muslim Chaplain, at wilyas@richmond.edu for additional information. -
Friday Prayer
1:00-1:30 p.m., Interfaith Prayer Room, Wilton Center
Contact Waleed Ilyas, Muslim Chaplain, at wilyas@richmond.edu for additional information.Join Muslim life for our weekly prayer. Prayer rugs, Qurans, scarves and other prayer necessities are available in the Interfaith Prayer Room.
Sacred Pause
4:00-4:20 p.m., Via Zoom
Contact Jamie Lynn Haskins, Chaplain for Spiritual Life, at jhaskins@richmond.edu for additional information.Sacred Pause is a spiritual, nonreligious service that invites us to share our lives with one another. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the news unfolding in our larger world. The service includes opportunities for meditative breathing, reflection, and optional sharing with the gathered community.
Welcoming Shabbat
5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., Location Varies
Contact Josh Jeffreys, Jewish Chaplain & Director of Religious Life, at jjeffrey@richmond.edu for additional information.As a ritual and communal practice, we welcome Shabbat every Friday. Most Fridays at 5:30pm there is Welcoming Shabbat where we join together to light the candles, drink the wine, eat challah, and say blessings over it all. In addition, we sing, share stories, laugh, and celebrate. Some weeks there will be a special dinner, program, or theme for our celebrations.
"More than Jews have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jews." - Ahad Ha’am
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Chapel, contact Deacon Tom Mullen, Catholic Chaplain, for the link and additional information. Visiting priests preside at Mass. Students direct the music and serve as lectors, ushers and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is generally available before and after Mass.Cookouts and shared meals after Mass help to bring the community closer.