Office of the Chaplaincy Campus Ministry Philosophy
The Office of the Chaplaincy at the University of Richmond affirms that religious practice and spiritual exploration are central to a well-rounded collegiate experience, healthy campus community, and faithful citizenship in a world richly textured by religious and spiritual beliefs and practices. To that end, the Office of the Chaplaincy is committed to creating an inclusive community to support the wide range of religious and spiritual backgrounds, experiences, and practices present in the student body.
New campus ministries are established by the invitation of the Office of the Chaplaincy. The Office of the Chaplaincy will determine the need for a new campus ministry by evaluating the religious climate of student life. Every effort will be made to ensure a wide range of campus ministries are present and that each ministry offers a religious or theological prespective that is not already being met. Our desire is to shape a religious ecology that is reflective of the varied and dynamic campus and world in which we live.
The Office of the Chaplaincy will recruit new campus ministry leadership through relationships with larger regional, national, or international denominations or religious organizations. Newly recruited campus ministries will be required to meet certain qualifications and to sign an agreement provided by the Office of the Chaplaincy before engaging in religious work at the University. This agreement includes a list of expectations and responsibilities for all campus ministers and sending organizations. Ongoing campus ministry leaders will be required to review and sign the agreement at the beginning of each academic year and sign the Office of the Chaplaincy's Covenant of Mutual Respect and Understanding. Only those religious organizations approved as Campus Ministries through the Office of the Chaplaincy may engage in religious activity on campus. Any unauthorized individual or organization will be asked to leave the campus premises.