Weekly Discussion and Halaqah

Muslim Life meets weekly for about an hour in a ABAC format repeating monthly:

Week A: Qur'ān Study

Qur'ān Study offers an opportunity to connect with the Qur'ān through reflection on its teachings by encouraging participants to explore its profound messages and engage in meaningful dialogue. Each year, the Study is focused on a theme; themes in the past include:

  • The story of Yūsuf (as) from Sūrah Yūsuf
  • The story of Mūsa (as) from Sūrah Qasas and Ṭaḥa
  • The Parables of the Qur'ān
  • Tafsīr of Juz'/Chapter 30

For the 24-25 year, the theme will be: Stories of the Prophets (excluding Mūsa and Yūsuf (as) covered previously)


Week B: Open Box Series

The Open Box Series offers students a unique opportunity to lead spiritual discussions on topics they are passionate about. The student leader collaborates with the Muslim Chaplain to select a topic and prepare reading materials for the session. The event begins with students presenting their reflections on the chosen topic for the first 20 minutes. This is followed by a student-facilitated discussion for the remaining time, allowing for an engaging and enriching dialogue. Topics in the past have included Israel/Palestine, relationships, political engagement, and intentions.

If you are interested in leading, please contact Waleed.


Week C: Dinner at Dhall

Dinner at Dhall provides students with a valuable opportunity to come together, connect with one another, and take a break from the demands of college life. This informal gathering encourages students to enjoy a meal and engage in meaningful conversations without the pressure of a structured agenda. It’s a time to check in with friends, meet new people, and build community in a welcoming and stress-free environment.