Kairos Christian Service

Tuesday evenings, 8-8:30 p.m.
Aug. 27, 2024-April 22, 2025
Cannon Memorial Chapel

Kairos is a weekly Christian worship service that is held at 8 p.m. on Tuesday nights in the choir loft of the Chapel. The thirty-minute services are contemplative in nature, offering quiet music, a brief message and moments of reflection. Every week, the service centers on a theme and question that are relevant to college life and help us consider how faith informs our connection to the world around us. 

Kairos services are led by Chaplaincy staff members and student leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve on the Kairos Leadership Team (KLT). The KLT takes an active role in worship leadership by helping with outreach and publicity, preparing the Chapel for the services, serving as lectors, singing, playing music, offering prayers and planning events for the Kairos community to get to know one another. 

Kairos is a ministry of the Chaplaincy, not a student organization. We welcome all to attend the Kairos services and join us for the community engagement events. We hope to see you soon!

What to Expect at a Kairos Service

  • No need to dress up for the service. Come as you are.
  • We know it can be intimidating to attend by yourself if you don’t know anyone. Kairos Leadership Team members will greet you at the Chapel doors when you arrive, introduce you to others, and even sit with you during the service, if you would like.
  • We gather in the choir loft, so you might arrive a few minutes early (7:55 p.m.) to have time to walk up and settle in.
  • Most people drop their backpacks in the last few pews of the Chapel so that they don’t have to trek all the way to the choir loft with them.
  • The service is contemplative in nature, and the music is accompanied by a piano and/or guitar. We sing one contemporary song and one traditional hymn, and the words are printed in the bulletin.
  • During the service, the “passing of the peace” is a chance to greet one another.  You can smile, wave, shake hands, introduce yourself, have a whole conversation - whatever you feel most comfortable doing.   
  • Kairos Leadership Team members read two readings in every service - usually one Bible passage and one from the Christian tradition.
  • One of the Chaplaincy staff members offers the reflection, and the message lasts about 10 minutes.
  • After the reflection, you are invited to light a candle to represent a prayer request, an intention you wish to set for the week, and/or a someone that you are remembering. You don’t have to light a candle; you may sit quietly, reflect, listen to the music, or pray.
  • Following the service, the Chaplaincy and Kairos Leadership Team host fellowship events next door in the Wilton Center, and it’s a great way to meet people and get to know them. You don’t have to stay; if you need to study or have another commitment, we understand. Join us when you can!