Campus Ministries
Campus ministries provide the perfect opportunity for students to stay connected with their faith tradition, meet new people, and engage more deeply in their community.
The University of Richmond is home to numerous campus ministries representing a variety of world religious traditions. Each ministry develops its own programming and outreach under the supervision of the Chaplaincy, contributing to the diverse spiritual and cultural life of our campus.
Many of the campus ministries below are affiliated with local congregations. You will find links to those congregations in the drop-downs below. While congregations continue to navigate COVID-19 and the evolving safety precautions to help mitigate its spread, know that these communities would be delighted to have you join them for services - be it virtually or in person.
We encourage you to get involved with a ministry that is right for you. If you have any questions about our campus ministries please contact Josh Jeffreys, Jewish Chaplain and Director of Religious Life, at jjeffrey@richmond.edu, or the designated contact for each ministry as listed below.
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
For more information please contact KairosInitiative@bgav.org
Follow BCM on Instagram.
Catholic Campus Ministry
The Rev. Mr. Tom Mullen, Catholic Chaplain
Wilton Center Room 211
tmullen@richmond.edu -
Episcopal Campus Ministry
Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Contact Will Stanley
Vicar, Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church
wstanley@ststephensrva.org -
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Michael Davis, Campus Minister
madavis@fca.orgDrew van Esselstyn, Campus Minister
dvanesselstyn@fca.orgFor more information about FCA, please visit FCA on the web
Josh Jeffreys, Jewish Chaplain and Director of Religious Life
Wilton Center
jjeffrey@richmond.edu -
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Kenny Tyler, Campus Minister
stephen.tyler@intervarsity.org - Lutheran Campus Ministry
Latter-day Saints Campus Ministry
Andy Spalding, Campus Minister
aspaldin@richmond.edu -
Muslim Students’ Association
Waleed Ilyas, Muslim Chaplain
Wilton Center Room 210
wilyas@richmond.edu -
Orthodox Christian Fellowship
Fr. Nicholas Bacalis, Campus Minister
nbacalis@richmond.eduWe welcome you to our Sunday service at 9:30 a.m. at Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
- Presbyterian Fellowship
United Methodist Campus Ministry
Bayo Ogungbade, Campus Minister
adultdiscipleship@reveilleumc.org -
Young Life
Tracy Payne, Campus Minister
westendyl@gmail.comLuke Wentling, Campus Minister
lewentling18@gmail.comConnect with Young Life on Facebook
Visit the Young Life website
- Zen Buddhist Sangha